Manage Products

On this page after adding your products you can search for a particular product on the search bar. Start adding your products by clicking on There are also options of and a drop-down for Filter Category. .

  • Filter Category: To choose according to your choice.
  • Manage Category: Here you can manage your category as instructed in Manage Category section.

Here in this page you can add your products and details of products.

  1. Upload Product Image: Choose your product image and upload here. Upto 5 images of one product you can upload of 2MB (each).
  2. Title: Give your Product a title.
  3. MRP(INR): Give your product MRP

  4. Selling Price: Give your product’s saleable price
  5. Cost/Item: Give your product’s cost. (Your net cost).
  6. Shipping Charges: If there are any shipping charges you’re taking, mention it.
  7. Category: Choose your product category. From your list
  8. Special Category: If there is any (Ex: Today’s Sale, Year End Sale, Festival Sale, New Launch)

  9. Description: Give your product description.
  10. Care Instructions: Give care instructions if any. (Ex: For some cloth it is instructed not to dry in direct sun light)

  11. Shipping Info: Give the shipping details here. (Ex. Free shipping within 50 km or Delhi/Mumbai (area wise) or Shipping will take 5-7 working days etc.)
  12. Return Info: Give here your return policy whatever you have (Ex. Return applicable only within 30 days of product received or not taking return)

  13. Brand: Give here the Brand Name if you are selling any other brands on your site.
  14. SKU: It is a Stock Keeping Unit- It is a unique code which defines the product. (Ex. We have barcode in products like that)
  15. Status: You can choose from two options ‘Drafts’ or ‘Published’. (in case of drafts it will not be shown in your website.
  16. Saleable: : It should be “Yes” or “No” as per our convenience.

  17. Size: : If you have many different sizes of products. Then choose from the list.
  18. Size Chart:: It is a description of your Size. If you have any details, you can give them here
  19. Dimensions: Your products length and width you can give here.
  20. Weight: Here Products weightage you need to give.
  21. Material: What kind of material or in which material it is made up of.(Ex. Mud, wood, cotton, etc)
  22. Color: Mention what are the different colors this product has.

  23. Style: If you have any unique style for this product, mention it here.
  24. Available for Sale: Mention How many quantities you have of this product for sale.
  25. Seller: Who is the seller whether you or anyone else.
  26. Now click on